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 Jennifer L. Woolley, Ph.D.



The emergence of firms, industries, and technologies.         

Entrepreneurship ecosystems and infrastructure development.


ORCID: 0000-0001-5156-2060



​​​Woolley, J. L. & Pozner, J. E. Forthcoming. "Co(coa)preneurship: The Persistence of Craft Ventures and the Power of Coupling." Academy of Management Discoveries

Woolley, J.L. Forthcoming. "Generative AI and Business: A Review and Research Agenda." Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Business and Management

Woolley, J.L. 2023. "Getting along with Frenemies: Enhancing Multi-competitor Coopetition Governance through Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain." Industry and Innovation, 30, 1156-1189. doi: 10.1080/13662716.2023.2168519

Woolley, J.L. 2023. "Book Review: Erica S. Simmons and Nicholas Rush Smith (eds.). Rethinking Comparison: Innovative Methods for Qualitative Political Inquiry." Administrative Science Quarterly, 68(3), NP49-NP52.


Woolley, J. L., Pozner, J. E., & DeSoucey, M. 2022. "Raising the Bar: Values-Driven Niche Creation in US Bean-to-Bar Chocolate." Strategy Science, 7(1), 27-55.


Woolley, J.L., McGregor, N. 2022. "Science, technology, and innovation policy timing and nanotechnology entrepreneurship and innovation." Plos One,


Woolley, J.L. 2022. "Spirituality and Entrepreneurship - Friend or Foe?" The Mindset,


Woolley, J.L., McGregor, N. 2021. "The Influence of Incubator and Accelerator Participation on Nanotechnology Venture Success." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,                  


Woolley, J.L. 2021. "Processes of Emergence and Change in Industry and Ecosystem Infrastructure." In Marshall Scott Poole & Andrew H. Van de Ven (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation (pp. 639-670). Oxford University Press.


Alvarez, S.A., Young, S.L., & Woolley, J.L. 2020. "Creating the World’s Deadliest Catch: The Process of Enrolling Stakeholders in an Uncertain Endeavor." Business and Society. 59(2), 287-321.


Woolley, J.L. 2019. "Gender, Education, and Occupation: How Founder Experiences Influence Firm Outcomes.” Academy of Management Discoveries. 5(3), 266-290.


Woolley, J.L. 2019. "Women Founders of STEM Firms in the US: Challenges and Opportunities to Attain Business Sustainability and Wellbeing." Exploring Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship, A Global Perspective. Edited by: Lepeley, M., Kuschell, K., Eijdenberg, E., & Pouw, N. Taylor Francis.


Woolley, J.L. 2017. "Origins and Outcomes: The roles of spinoff founders and intellectual property in high technology venture outcomes." Academy of Management Discoveries, 3 (1): 64-90.


Woolley, J.L. 2017. "Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship" Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Business and Management, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.33


Woolley, J.L. 2017. "The Backgrounds of Women Founders of STEM Firms: Success Factors." Academy of Management Proceedings.


Alvarez, S.A., Young, S.L., & Woolley, J.L. 2015. "Opportunities and institutions: A co-creation story of the king crab industry." Journal of Business Venturing, 30: 95-112.


Sarangee, K., Woolley, J.L., Schmidt, J., Long, E. 2014. "Stop Throwing Good Money After Bad! Techniques to De-escalate Commitment to Losing New Product Innovation Projects."  PDMA Visions. 2: 13-16.


Woolley, J.L. 2014. "The Creation and Configuration of Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship in Emerging Domains of Activity.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38 (4): 721-747.


Sarangee, K., Woolley, J.L., Schmidt, J., Long, E. 2014. "De-escalation Mechanisms in High Technology Product Innovation." Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(5): 1023–1038.


Woolley, J.L. 2014. "Opportunities for Social Value Creation across Supply Chain Interactions.” Emerging Research Directions in Social Entrepreneurship edited by Larry Pate and Charles Wankel. New York: Springer. pp 51-66.


Woolley, J.L. 2014. "Nascent Technology Entrepreneurship Supply Chain Emergence.” Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship edited by François Thérin. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 304-324. 


Bruno, A.V., Woolley, J.L., & Carlson, E. 2014. "An Empirical Analysis of the Missions, Funding Sources, and Survival of Social Ventures.” In JHU Research Series on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship edited by P. Phan, J. Kickul, M. Nordqvist. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 174-190.


Madsen, T.L., Woolley, J.L., & Sarangee, K. 2014." Using Internet-based Collaboration Technologies for Innovation: Crowdsourcing vs. Expertsourcing." In New Directions in Management and Organization Theory edited by J. Miles.  Newcastle upon Tyne:  Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.283-314.


Woolley, J.L., Bruno, A.V., & Carlson, E. 2013. "Social Venture Business Model Archtypes.” Journal of Management for Global Sustainability 1(2): 7-30.


Granqvist, N., Grodal, S., & Woolley, J.L. 2013. "Hedging Your Bets: Explaining Executives’ Labeling Strategies in Nanotechnology.” Organization Science 24(2) 395-413.


Woolley, J.L. 2011. "Studying the Emergence of New Organizations: Entrepreneurship Research Design.” Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 1 (1) Article 5.


Alvarez, S.A., Young, S.L., & Woolley, J.L. 2011. "The Creation of the World's Deadliest Catch." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 31 (25): 3.


Woolley, J.L. 2010. "Technology Emergence through Entrepreneurship across Multiple Industries.” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (1) 1-21.


Delbecq, A.L., Griffith, T.L., Madsen, T., & Woolley, J.L. 2010.  "A Decision Process Model to Support Timely Organizational Innovation.” In P.C. Nutt & D. Wilson (Eds.) The Blackwell Handbook of Decision Making (pp. 197-230). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.


Woolley, J.L. 2009 "Innovation Policy in Emerging Domains of Activity: First-Mover Advantage or Curse?” In S.E. Cozzens & P. Catalán (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2009 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, (pp. 1-4).


Woolley, J.L. & Rottner, R.M. 2008. "Innovation Policy and Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 32(5): 791-811.


Schoonhoven, C.B. & Woolley, J.L.  2005. "Top Management Teams In An International Context.” In D.L. Shapiro, M.A. Von Glinow, & J.L.C. Cheng (Eds.) Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives. Advances in International Management Research Series (Vol. 18, pp 251-280). Oxford: Elsevier/JAI. 




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